
19. Nov 2020 | English Content

THEOS Consulting AG has linked the economic approach of the traditional business sciences to the concept of business-and-spirit® in order to focus on integral business and personnel development. The dynamics of the markets, the globalization and the worldwide financial crisis call for a new thinking and acting. Just like a human being, a company is an entity.

Against this background we consider companies to be vital, open systems that interact between different processes. A clear architecture is needed within a company which considers not only the economic approach, but also the understanding of personal development. Therefore we use the integrative power of the systemic approach in the stress field of business and ethics and social sciences.

The concept business-and-spirit® is an integral and open model and gives entrepreneurs from the beginning a framework which considers all aspects of a value based corporate and personnel development. The broad knowledge of the overall context of a corporation enables the entrepreneur to identify and analyze needed changes clearly, and holistic solutions can be derived.


Ludwig Erhard, the „father of the german economic miracle“, once said:

„Economy consists to one half of psychology!“

Today, business-and-spirit® integral leadership and management are more actual than ever before, because they are built up on the necessity of a long-term orientation of corporations and on the necessity of the integration of all entrepreneurial activities: corporate philosophy and mission, integral leadership, vision, strategy, operative management, structures, processes and internal and external communication. Our concept implies a holistic approach to corporate social responsibility.

THEOS Consulting AG with their concept business-and-spirit® stand for the renewal of energies in all levels: corporate, leadership, management and employee energy.

Our work is process orientated and based on ethical values

We work according to the latest scientific findings and standards. The Integral Approach conceives man and company as a whole, which is situated in a constantly correlating process of development. If a company wishes to utilize the available resources and potentials of all employees optimally, this has to be taken into account. Internal and external forces take effect in this vital system. These effects have to be considered. They need to be integrated intelligently, creatively, and gently for the good of the creative development of all employees and the growth of the corporation.

Read more about the integral approach to economy in this article.

Theresia Maria Wuttke

Board of Management at Theos Consulting AG, Banker, educator, depth psychologist, meditation teacher – Zen, author, business management coach and consultant, teaching and master coach, family and health coach and youth coach.

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