The new dimension of consulting

An economy for human beings · With business-and-spirit® you make your company shine at all levels

Here you will find English translations of important content, information and statements.



THEOS Consulting AG has linked the economic approach of the traditional business sciences to the concept of business-and-spirit® in order to focus on integral business and personnel development. The dynamics of the markets, the globalization and the worldwide...

Theos Academy

Theos Academy

Education and certification programs for coaches  Integral certification programs for coaches and consultants are essential parts of our professional educational offerings. We accompany companies, organizations and persons in their personal, job-related and...

Integral business management consultant

Integral business management consultant

ACCREDITED CERTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR INTEGRAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS  The accredited certification program for business management consultants is based on recent scientific findings and standards. THEOS Academy offers you a dual education system that...

The THEOS Academy is managed by:
Theresia Maria Wuttke

Board of Management at Theos Consulting AG, Banker, educator, depth psychologist, meditation teacher – Zen, author, business management coach and consultant, teaching and master coach, family and health coach and youth coach. The vita of Theresia Maria Wuttke

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